Jason M. Barr January 22, 2025
If you google the definition of “emergency,” the search engine provides an answer from the Oxford Languages Dictionary: “a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.” Merriam-Webster comes in with similar wording: “an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action.”
So clearly an emergency is sudden, unforeseen, and requires immediate corrective action to fix a dangerous situation. And yet paradoxically, for more than three-quarters of a century, New York’s housing market has been in a state of “emergency.”
In March of 2024, once again,
the New York City Council voted to declare that there is an ongoing housing emergency to extend the Rent Stabilization Law from expiring on April 1, 2024, to April 1, 2027. To maintain New York City’s rent stabilization laws pursuant to state law, the Council must determine whether there is an ongoing housing emergency every three years, defined as a vacancy rate of less than 5% of the City’s rental housing stock. Findings from the 2023 Housing and Vacancy Survey (HVS) show a citywide rental vacancy rate of 1.41%, the lowest this measurement has been since 1968, and a significant decline from 2021, when the net vacancy rate was 4.54%.
The Paradox
But if we take a step back, we can see that it’s impossible that there is an “emergency” both as New York defines it and as Webster and Oxford define it. Something cannot be an emergency if it’s predictable, ongoing, and with which people have lived for a very long time.
And yet since the early 1940s, when the language was introduced because of a true housing emergency caused by World War II, New York has never bothered to change the wording. It retains the usage both because of the inertia of the status quo and because the word gives leaders something to perpetually “fight” against—though clearly, they are not succeeding.
Yes, housing affordability is a problem—a huge ongoing problem—but the way its defined does nothing to solve it. If anything, defining the housing affordability problem as an “emergency” only serves to make affordability worse. It provides a convenient distraction to focus on the problem’s symptoms rather than its causes.
The Fire Extinguisher
To make an analogy, imagine a house with faulty wiring so that whenever a person turns on the lights, it produces sparks and ignites the wall. By having a fire extinguisher handy, one only needs to spray the dangerous spot when the switch is flipped. It’s thus easier to shout “emergency” and whip out the fire extinguisher—that is, to continually rely on rent regulations—than it is to address the fundamental problem—New York is not building enough housing, particularly in the middle-income areas.

The Long Life of an Emergency
The history of rent regulations in New York can only be described by one word: labyrinthine. What began as a wartime expedient metastasized into a complex regulatory web, that evolved depending on the crisis du jour. In some years, rent regulations were particularly stringent; in other years, they would be relaxed a bit, only to have the exemptions rescinded when a new crisis arose. When housing costs spiked—usually because of economy-wide inflation—tenants would demand government intervention to protect them against rising costs.
Because the effects of inflation are sudden and noticeable and the benefits of new housing supply take years to materialize, officials realized that applying an addictive “pain killer” (or fire extinguisher) now was more politically saleable than the patience that generating new supply requires. Appeasing renters has been necessary because they comprise two out of three households. And yet, no matter how the rules changed, or how crises came and went, one thing stayed the same: rental vacancy has never risen above five percent since World War II.
1943 to 1968
New York’s decades-long history of rent regulations began in November 1943, when all rental units in New York had their rents frozen at their March 1943 levels as part of the U.S. Emergency Price Act of 1942. These controls were enacted because of the housing shortage and price spikes brought on by the war. Every effort was being used to fight Fascism, and normal, peacetime housing construction had to wait.
After the war, even as Federal rent rules expired, New York continued to implement rent controls for all units built before 1947, though new units were to be exempted. As housing expert Michael Stegman wrote in 1982:
The extension of rent control in New York City was intended to be a temporary measure justified by the continuing housing shortages related to emergency wartime conditions. Increases in supply through the normal workings of the market were expected to ease price pressures and allow the elimination of controls. “For this reason, a vacancy rate of 5 percent was established in the legislation as the criterion for the restoration of a normal supply-demand relationship in the housing market. Anything short of a 5 percent vacancy rate would be prima facie evidence of a continued ‘housing shortage.’”[1]
Yet, “temporary” rent controls continued for decades, though the rules on rent increases were tweaked over time. Typically, landlords could raise rents if a unit was vacated. At other times, landlords were allowed a one-time, across-the-board increase. Or raises could be implemented through negotiation with a tenant, usually based on an upgrade to the apartment. Tenants could also request reductions if they felt the landlord was not maintaining the unit. But in all cases, tenants in good standing had the right to remain in their apartments and could not be evicted. Units could even be passed from parents to children, essentially making rental apartments “co-owned” by landlord and tenant.
By 1965, 63% of Gotham’s rental stock was rent-controlled, 6% was in public housing, and another 5% were Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing. Thus, only a quarter of the housing stock was unregulated.
1969 to the Present
1969 was a watershed year with the introduction of rent stabilization. All units completed between 1947 and 1969 were to be “stabilized,” and vacated rent-controlled units would also be stabilized. The rent stabilization program was an admission that rent control was a failure. It was clear by the late 1960s that the inability of landlords to raise rents according to their costs was causing the housing stock to decay. Now, all units in the program would have their rents increased by a fixed percentage each year set by the Rent Guidelines Board.
As a Rand Institute report wrote back in 1971:
The rental housing market in New York City is in a state of crisis. Vacancies are acutely scarce, construction is at its lowest level in many years, rents in the previously uncontrolled sector rose so rapidly in 1969 that a new form of control was imposed, and large numbers of recently habitable buildings have been reduced to shambles or withdrawn entirely from the market. Tenants are deeply dissatisfied either with the quantity of service provided by their landlords or with the rents demanded, or both. Landlords are equally dissatisfied with the yields of their property, the behavior of their tenants, the burdens of public regulation, and the illiquidity of their investments.
To help grease the housing market, the state passed a law in 1971 that decontrolled all apartments that were vacated as of June 1970 (with new construction exempt as well). However, in 1974, the law was changed once again: all units completed after 1969 were to be stabilized, and furthermore, newly constructed buildings would be stabilized if they received 421(a) tax abatements.
1997 to Today
Then, in 1997, the state allowed the decontrol of the more expensive units, and hearty rent increases for vacant units. But these rules was reversed in 2019, when the City and State doubled down on more stringent rent regulations. Since then, vacancy decontrol and decontrol of high-end units have been abolished. And now only a tiny fraction of the cost of major capital improvements can be passed on to tenants. The effect of these regulations has been to encourage the decay of lower-income apartment buildings. Today, over half of the housing stock is either in rent control (1%), rent stabilization (41%), or public housing (7.5%)—over a million units.
Most importantly, if the rent regulations law were designed to help the lowest income families, they were not doing their job. In 1975, for example, the majority of residents in the lowest income brackets were paying more than 40% of their income on rent. Today, the vacancy for those in the lowest rental brackets is 0.4% (basically zero). For renter households earning less than $70,000, more than half are paying 55% or more of their income on rent.
A Very Brief History of NYC Vacancy
There is nothing inherent in housing markets that requires rental vacancy rates to be systemically less than 5%. The long-run average vacancy rate for rental housing in the U.S. since 1956 is 7.3%. During this time, the lowest U.S. vacancy rate was 5%, and there’s no evidence that U.S. vacancy rates are declining. New York State’s average vacancy since 1986 has been 5.4%. In the 1910s and 1920s, Gotham’s vacancy rate was typically above 5%. Furthermore, New York City’s market-rate buildings frequently have vacancy rates above 5%.

Period 1: The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression
After the First World War, Gotham’s housing vacancy was near zero (see figure below). The war and dislocations caused by inflation, supply chain problems, and lack of credit resulted in the virtual cessation of new construction. But then came the building boom of the Roaring Twenties and by 1927, the vacancy rate was 5.16%, and in 1929 it was 7.7%. The high rates were driven primarily by the vast amounts of new housing built during the period.
But then came the Great Depression. People were out of work and were doubling up. By 1934, vacancy peaked at nearly 15%. It would continue to fall through the decade, and on the eve of World War II, it was a healthy 5.6%.
Period 2: Post-World War II to 1990
By 1945, however, New York City’s vacancy was near zero. The war effort drew people to the city while housing construction ceased. But new construction began to pick up after the war, and vacancies slowly started to move upward. Then came the Korean Conflict (1950-53); inflation rose quickly, housing construction plummeted, and rent controls were tightened. As a result, by 1955, vacancy was back down to almost zero and remained below 1.3% for the rest of the decade.
Then, changes in the zoning rules triggered a building boom. The 1961 zoning codes downzoned the city, and so developers rushed to get shovels in the ground before the new, stricter laws took effect. This produced a relative flood of new units, which caused vacancy to rise to 3.19%, a post-war high, though still not high enough to trigger the end of rent control.
After the construction boomlet, housing construction slowed, and vacancies fell and remained below 2% for the rest of the decade. In the 1970s and 1980s, vacancy remained below 3%, as housing abandonment skyrocketed, and new construction was muted.
Period 3: 1990 to the Present
Then came the New York Renaissance which started in the mid-1990s. While vacancies inched up from the historical 1970s lows—thanks to low inflation and increased construction—they have never reached 5%. They have showed a remarkable stability, hovering between 2.9% and 3.6% in the last thirty years. Even the apparent mass exodus caused by the COVID pandemic only brought vacancy rates to 4.5%. Recently, the renewed growth of New York, combined with the lack of new supply, along with the cessation of new construction tax abatements has brought vacancy down to 1.4%.

A History of Housing Supply
So, what has kept vacancy below 5% for 80 years? Ultimately, it boils down to housing supply. In short, since World War II, New York has not been building housing at a fast enough clip. Let’s take a tour of Gotham’s supply since 1920. However, we will not look at the number of units built each year–which is what we typically hear about in reports about New York’s housing market–because it’s an incomplete aspect of the story.
A more accurate measure is the relative net supply—the number of new units minus demolished units as a proportion of the total number of existing housing units. In the figure below, I give two versions of relative supply: the total number of new (gross) units completed per 1,000 housing units and the total number of net units completed per 1,000, where net here is the total new units minus the number of demolished units.[2]

The Takeaways
The graph above provides a few key takeaways.
First, the last time that the number of net new units was above 20 per 1000 (or 2%) was 1931. In short, New York has been unable to build past that number in nearly a century. 20 per 1000 seems to be the “magic number” for getting vacancy above 5%.
Second, although there were two periods where gross construction between 1935 and 1965 hit the 2% threshold, new supply was in a big battle with units being demolished. Some of these lost units were from slum clearance projects (both Title I and public housing), but much of it was because apartment buildings were being abandoned. The demolition of older housing units basically stopped around 2000.[3]
In short, since World War II, there have only been two real supply booms, the one from around 1948 to 1952 and the second from around 1962 to 1965. But in neither case was the boom above the 20 per 1000 threshold.
Net Negative
Third, net housing construction was negative between 1977 to 1991. Thus, for a decade and a half, new supply was unable to match the number of units demolished, even as the population of New York was growing.
Since the mid-1990s, when New York’s economy and population started to rebound, net construction rates have hovered around 5 per 1000, about half as high as they were in the quarter century following World War II. The construction since 2000 has been positively timid.
While the recently passed City of Yes Housing Opportunity is a good start, it will not be enough. Under perfect conditions, it will raise annual construction rates from 5 per 1000 to 1 per 1000, still much lower than what’s needed to move the vacancy needle.
So, What Drives Supply and Vacancy?
In our review of New York’s housing market, we have seen how vacancy rates have remained below the “emergency” cutoff of 5% and have also seen that net housing supply has been consistently low over the decades. But the questions remain: What drive supply and vacancy increases, and how are the two linked?
In the next post, we will discuss the connection more thoroughly and see how New York can end its housing crisis once and for all.
[1] See Stegman (1982) for the source of the internal quote.
[2] Data on new units through subdivisions or building conversions or loss of units through combinations or conversions away from housing are not so easy to come by. However, based on my analysis, the gains and losses from these types of changes to housing tend to offset each other, on average.
[3] A frequent complaint in today’s market is that New York is losing moderately priced housing because of teardowns that are replaced by luxury condos. However, looking at the data within a larger perspective shows that housing teardowns in the 21st century are at an all-time low. We should be less concerned about teardowns and more concerned about new construction citywide.
The spike in the later 1920s through early 1930s is so much of an outlier, so enormous, that it deserves a special explanation. I left a major explanation in your previous article “The Housing Twenties: New York’s Biggest Building Boom and Its Lessons for Today”: https://buildingtheskyline.org/housing-twenties/ but it’s worth repeating here too:
There is another big reason for the relative explosion in housing construction in the 1920s and into the late 1930s (because housing starts are planned years in advance, there is a lag between policy and production): the Land Value Tax. The late Georgist professor Mason Gaffney wrote about it here: https://economics.ucr.edu/papers/papers01/01-01.pdf.
“The leading specific topic is to illuminate the aftermath of NYC’s 1920 law exempting new housing construction (but not the land values) from the property tax from 1920 until the end
of 1931. I will identify it as “The Al Smith Law,” after the New York Gov. who sponsored and signed it. The finding is that NYC population grew much faster, percentage wise, than that of
comparison cities, from 1920 to 1940, and for a while thereafter…NYC had been slowing down just before the law of 1920. After 1931 when the law expired, NYC grew slower than before, but this was the Great Depression, when most comparison cities stopped dead, and began to waste away. NYC not only held its #1 population ranking among U.S. cities, it pulled farther ahead in numbers, even in percentage terms.”
The population grew along with housing. Gaffney writes:
“The original stimulus for this study was a pamphlet by Charles Johnson Post, titled How New York Solved its Housing Crisis. Post gives data on per capita spending on new buildings in
NYC and four comparison cities for the years 1910 to 1929. These data show that NYC abruptly recovered from stagnation in 1920, and outstripped the other cities: Philadelphia, Boston,
Minneapolis, and, to a lesser extent, Chicago. Post credits the housing tax holiday, enacted in 1920, for this recovery. ”
Today, we have almost the opposite policy by undertaxing vacant lots, then greedily ramping up taxes on developed lot, even right next door! This discourages building unless the profits are so humongous that they can overcome the tax increase. Meanwhile, undertaxed surface parking lots continue on, while their owners wait for the right opportunity to “pounce” (sell) and make a huge profit, largely because the value goes mostly untaxed. Our policies encourage hoarding and speculation, instead of production to the highest and best use. Zoning compounds these malinvestments, but it’s not the only cause, or, arguably, even the largest in some neighborhoods.
Since your previous article and my comment on it, the City of Yes has passed, but as you point out here, that doesn’t address either the root cause of the supply issue, nor is the scope large enough to fix the “emergency,” now going on for 80 years.
However, with respect to the Land Value Tax, there HAS been some progress in reviving this tried-and-proven solution. A new bill that “Directs the department of taxation and finance to establish a pilot program for implementation of local land value taxation” has been introduced in the state senate: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2025/S1131. It needs many more sponsors and it’s only a pilot program so it would need bold leadership and frankly, less NIMBYism, to get it to the scale that existed in the 1920s under then Governor Al Smith. But it’s a start. I hope you and your readers will support it.